Monday, January 3, 2011

Auld Langs Mine

  Moving. Into a house with my daughter and beagle. After having lived with my parents with my daughter for the past year following a separation and divorce. He has had the beagle; and most of my things over the past year.  The clone and I moved only essentials...clothes, jewelry, books, Yarn...
  It is so very odd how being separated from the physical presence of THINGS for such a long time can seriously cut the cord to them. I feel very complacent regarding even the most precious heirloom. I've never been overly materialistic. I collect things. Fabric, yarn, dog motif pillows, antique linens, angels, books.  But I don't shop like crazy and I don't have to have the newest of everything everyday.  That said, it still feels very, very weird to feel so very disconnected to things I have truly loved to be around and have around me.
   So, as I move my old things into this new chapter of me, we shall see where it leads.  Simplicity its a good thing. Saves green...may types.

Happy NEW Me...